Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We "Do Things" because We Desire Things...

All the facts, all the logic, all the rational reasons for buying something are vain unless we make contact emotionally with the customer.

It is not the “what it is” that closes the sale and prompts the customer to buy; it is the “what it does” for them in meeting an emotional reason or need for buying that moves them to action. I call that the “emotional criteria” for buying. “

Action is Directly Tied into our Emotions...We "Do Things" because We Desire Things...

"Action springs out of what we fundamentally desire…and the best piece of advice which can be given to would-be persuaders, whether in business, in the home, in the school, in politics, is: First, arouse in the other person an eager want. He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way.”   
Harry Overstreet, Influencing Human Behavior

Whatever the emotional criteria for wanting to buy, the sales expert must uncover it in order to present the most compelling reason (right-brain stimulus) to the customer for buying.

Be Disturbing...Speak Disturbing...Be Disturbing...And You Will Succeed in Sales

Sales pioneer and insurance legend, Ben Feldman of East Liverpool, Ohio, sought the customer’s emotional reason for buying through a strategy he called the “disturbing question.” He would ask the hard questions of people, the emotional questions, the questions that struck at the heart and core of what people face, and pointed out how we, in the insurance industry, could assist them in avoiding or minimizing the risks that they face every day. In the insurance and financial services industry, this is the one critical skill that separates the “good” from the “great” sales  professionals.

“Customers are not always right. They make mistakes; they forget things; they get confused. But customers are always emotional.”  Janelle Barlow & Dianna Maul, Emotional Value

Copyright © 2010 - Tony Cefalu

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