Friday, October 30, 2009

The Pain of Discipline or The Pain of Regret

Success is often disguised as hard work.

Which do you prefer?

1. The pain that comes with hard work and waking in the morning to earn a living and be successful . . .
The pain that comes with the secret knowledge of your own laziness and the cause of your own failure.

2. The pain of practicing and studying to get better at something and to feel the thrill of learning something new . . .
The pain of never mastering anything.

3. The pain of planning and organizing to win or succeed at some noble endeavor…
The pain of always being and feeling overwhelmed, uncertain and without acomplishment.

4. The pain of accepting and attempting new challenges and experiencing new frontiers and making friendships…
The pain of boredom and emptiness.

5. The pain of setting goals and working towards them and owning success and the excitement of accomplishment and victory. . .
The pain of having no direction, no sense of purpose, fulfillment or achievement.

6. The pain of cooperation and teamwork and the bond it creates among peers.
The pain of lonliness, rejection and isolation.

7. The pain of doing right, being honest, and keeping promises
as a person of character, integrity and a good conscience...
The pain of a tarnished reputation, of guilt and of a troubled conscience.

The Pain of Discipline or The Pain of Regret. Which do you prefer for your life?

Choose well, for your choices are brief yet eternal. Goethe

Copyright © 2009 - Tony Cefalu

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