Monday, December 21, 2009

It Matters Who You Know (cont'd)

It Does Matter Who You Know! (cont'd)

Consider the Following Networking Advice:

1. Have a Game Plan...An Opening Statement You are Comfortable with in Meeting New People: That was addressed in the previous post.

2. Have a 15-20 Second Infomercial (or personal commercial) on "Who You Are and What You're About" memorized and ready to go!

*Don't forget to look people in the eye when speaking to them; smile and have a good handshake (firm) when reciting your infomercial. Also, a little enthusiasm doesn't hurt either when meeting people. No one wants to do business with a "wet blanket," or someone with a "mushy, weak" or woman! Remember, people are naturally judgmental and resistant. So make sure that their first impression of you is a positive one.

Also, try to remember names. Dale Carnegie, the author of the landmark piece, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is oft quoted as saying, ...a person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language." Using a person's name breaks down their initial resistance.

e.g. "I work for XYZ Company here in Cleveland, developing strategies for families and businesses to better organize their insurance and financial affairs, and ultimately, plan for a better and more profitable future."

" I work with XYZ Company here in Canton, helping people and businesses, like those represented here today, better organize their insurance and financial affairs. What I do helps increase employee retention and satisfaction, and the business person's overall bottom-line profits."

"I work for XYZ Company here in Toledo, specifically working with small business owners in helping them increase their bottom line and reduce their exposure to to unnecessary expenses and risks related to health insurance and health related expenses."

"I work with XYZ Company here in Findlay as a health insurance specialist, helping individuals, families, and small business owners in particular, better organize their insurance and financial affairs. A lot of what I do helps business people, like yourself, save money and positively affect the bottom line. I deal with major medical plan needs, disability issues, and even ways of preventing personal and business assets from being unnecessarily used to pay the cost of medical expenses.I find that the expertise I have in this area to be (absolutely necessary for business success; invaluable to individuals and families.) That's what I do."

Your infomercial should be "short and sweet" and, hopefully, make the other person say, "Oh really, how do you do that?" Once that's said, you're off to the races!

The Will to Win is Not as Important as the Will to Plan to Win!

Copyright © 2009 - Tony Cefalu

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